Saturday, November 28, 2009

Party in the USA (thanks, Miley!)

(that's right, I listen to Miley Cyrus! Shut up! It's a good song! I dare you to try to hear it once and turn it off...oh yeah, YOU CAN'T.)

HA! Just finished la fete de thanksgiving in Paris!! Thursday night 17 people crowded elbows around the magical-expanding table chez Squash and drank, ate, and franglais-ed the night away. The turkey was fresh from the Brittany countryside (it literally had a head like two days before we put it in the oven) and so was the pumpkin...that's right, we made pumpkin pie from absolute scratch! And you know what? I liked it, but NOT AS MUCH AS I LIKE PUMPKIN OUT OF A CAN!! Am I a horrible person??!

But yar, every single dish was the most delicious yumminess I can ever imagine eating. I sous-chef'd for Squash on pumpkin pie, mashed potatoes, humus, and stuffing. Pull The Prick out made my personal favorite: corn casserole. YESSS! The flavors are so fantastic...even veggies taste like VEGGIES and don't need any seasonings to make them palatable! Holy crap, I already told Hoonie I was ordering all my food from France when I get back to America. They deliver, right?

I had a special treat all my own for friends The Pollock (lol I love that I didn't even need to change her name to make it a good blome--and that would be 'blog name' to you plebes) and Oxford Comma came to town for a little visit!! I got to hear some office gossip (MAN some sh*t's been goin' DOWN since I left, lol!!) and get real hugs and laugh about being angry in New York. I was so happy I almost cried! (gawd, how embarrassing! heh heh)

The party was a smashing success...the Americans loved it b/c, well, we know how to throw good parties, and even the Brits and French were impressed b/c, well, WE THROW GOOD PARTIES. It feels good to let loose and relax a little, DOESN'T IT, you polite-and-reserved-delicately-sipping-on-wine-never-playing-rowdy-music peeps! And cheese DOES work as an appetizer, huh! We never got to show off the awesomeness of the cosmo-as-aperatif, but there was plenty of wine flowing. When we got to the wine that tasted like goat cheese smells, though, I was pretty much done. (don't even ask.)

So yeah, score one of my Puritan sure as shit didn't know how to feed yourselves when you got to the New World, but thanks for mooching off the natives and calling it tradition!

heh heh


Thursday, November 26, 2009

I told you "Ah'd be bahck..."

And...we're baaaaaaaack! Yes, that's right, after waiting by the phone for Dr. Apple's call for ten days (he told me 3!) I decided to march my butt in to the store and ask in person. Miraculously, the Genius Man came back from the storage room with Mr. Mac in tow, as it had 'just been finished this morning!" Quel chance.

And then, for just a bit less than the cost of a brand new computer, I waltzed out of the store with my old white pal snugged up under my arm, trying not to bang it on walls or into people as I hurried home.

Sweet! Let the blog posts, how I've missed the sound of my own voice!

Thursday, November 12, 2009

My mac, he doesn't work! basically the rough translation of what I will tell Dr. Apple on Friday night at 19h40...

Dude, why do I have the WORST LUCK w/ computers...That's right, mon petit mac is being a petit pain in the grand butt. He has decided to one-up my biggest meltdown and have a tantrum of his own. (I label him male b/c he gives me nothing but problems when he promises me nothing but good! lol).

So I get to spend a Friday night w/ some computer nerds in broken English and worse French, trying to figure out how to fix what will undoubtably be a very expensive issue, since the thing won't even let me turn it on. le sigh.

More blogging to be done, but not at school...


Friday, November 6, 2009

It's the FINAL COUNTDOWN (a la Gob and Franklin)


So, last night was AWESOME. Literally, beyond-words awesome. First of all the tickets were free (merci Queen Franglais!) and second of all, IT WAS AWESOME.

So much drama! I mean, hey, it's the life of Mozart set to rock music. (My favorite bit was Mozart's father, all in black, singing threateningly against a backdrop screen of bright orange, King Kong-high flames.) I was PRAYING that Greaser wouldn't be out sick or otherwise miss the show...I need my l'assasymphonie!!! But hallelujah he walked on stage, all slicked back, a perfect, menacing Salieri. HA! It was everything I'd hoped for...and more! Squash had to hold me in my seat so I wouldn't embarrass us by jumping up and rushing the stage. (She got a good workout, I'm a real fighter. Obviously.)

The dancers and the band/orchestra totally blew my sh** away. Dancing away in their crazy outfits, the group was always exactly on time and synchronized. I've seen worse performances from the NYC Ballet! (no, seriously.) There were bits of actual Mozart compositions played by uber professional classical musicians all dressed up in mozart-y type outfits, walking around on stage and playing their perfect notes. Gah! And then there was the rock band up in the rafters...The pianist looked like The Mad Scientist, and oooh la la, he nearly broke his keyboard during the head-banging bits! Then, at the end and the inevitable Lachrymosa pre-death scene, holy CRAP, a single female opera singer carried the whole chorus part by HERSELF and rocked the house DOWN. I just got chills thinking about it, bwah!

And there's more good news...another music video is in the works! It won't be out for about a month, but oh don't you worry, I will be posting the link as soon as I can get my grubby hands on it. You'll love the song,'s Greaser again, signing about Salieri's jealousy of Mozart (at least I'm pretty sure it is), and the dancing, costumes, and, of course, his voice, are to die for. Holla! So exciting.

Happiness in a can, my peeps, happiness in a can. If any of you come to visit me, I'm taking you to that show, no messing. And no complaining. (don't worry, we'll have plenty of wine afterwards, you can drink your pain away.)



Wednesday, November 4, 2009

the countdown, it doth continue...

Have you forgotten?


That's right, T minus 22 hours and counting 'til...MOZART L'OPERA ROCK.

Thursday night, 8.30 pm. Woohoo!

I'll update you after the show, don't you worry.

And I think you need the link again, just in case you don't feel like going back to look through old posts to find it on your own:


My South Park Reality

Well, it's done now...I have been corrupted by a nine-year-old.

This morning at tutoring, Blanca decided to play me her favorite songs from High School Musical part deux.


I totally felt like I was in that South Park episode about the boys getting addicted to HSM and singing all over the school, b/c, oh yes, I GOT UP AND DANCED. I was possessed by the devil, I tell ya! THE DEVIL.

I only stopped dancing long enough to look at her calendar of HSM characters she wanted to show me (since for all intents and purposes it looked like I was really into the music...) and whenever she got to Zac Efron I had to put my hand over my mouth to stop myself from ruining her dreams and yelling "FRUITICUS!!!!"

OMG my fingers just strayed to my iTunes search bar and started typing in "High Sch--"...Nooooo!


Monday, November 2, 2009

I'm not drunk, I'm just trying to speak French!

HA! Out at a bar one night, Pull The Prick Out pulls THIS witty comment out of her alcohol-muddled head. The poor girl was giving it her all in a conversation en français with the only Frenchman in our party, and we all kept saying, QUOI? COMMENT? What You Say? Damn, Girl Is WASTED.

And at the 'wasted' comment PTPO, heavy-lidded eyes barely focusing on her accuser, loudly proclaimed her alcohol-innocent lack of language inhibitions with what has to be the greatest quote of all time for us 'Muricans in Paris: "I'm Not Drunk, I'm Just Trying To Speak French!"

I laughed so hard the bartender told us all to be quiet.

I'm too loud to even be in a BAR.

Anyway, PTPO's declaration is actually quite speaking French is just simply hilarious--I've never felt stupider, or more muddled, or, let's face it, more funny, than I do when I'm trying to communicate with what I think is a pretty good accent (but one that apparently ISN'T). I'm getting to the point where I can't even really speak English, either! HAHA!

So basically, yeah, I should just shut up now and listen to more Mika...LOVE HIM. Let's put in a link to one of his songs, just for fun:
Or maybe this one:


Sunday, November 1, 2009

A Halloween Success Story

OK! Good weekend these past couple of days! The red dress run was's so great when everyone gets into the spirit of wearing a red dress--some of the guys looked absolutely fantastic! (and by fantastic I mean horrifying!) We ran in the streets of Paris, and EVERYONE was staring at us and taking our picture! The hares marked part of our trail through Cimetiere Pere Lachaise (yes, Jim Morrison, but I prefer to think of Oscar Wilde) in honor of Halloween, but the guards wouldn't let us in with our red dresses on. Phooey. We ARE respectful, despite appearances! After the run we reserved an entire bar (a small one, but still, an entire bar!) just for our little group...we drank and sang and generally made fools of ourselves, but Pull The Prick Out got the bartender's number (and he kept giving us free drinks...heh heh) so at least ONE of us made a good impression, ha!

After several more stops on our post-hash pub crawl, I made my way to Cinema Champo. I can't believe I made it through the movie marathon, lol! In case any of you had money on which scene I was going to zonk out in, I 'watched with my eyes closed' for the first 20 mins of Corpse Bride. Oh come on, that's one of my favorite movies, but it was 5am and I couldn't keep my eyes open!

I missed the first movie b/c I stayed out later than planned with the hashers after the red dress run, which meant also missing out on getting a real seat...not sure if they sold more tickets than seats available like they do on airplanes, hoping people don't show up or whatever, or if people just snuck in w/out paying for a ticket, but when I got to the theater there were several people sitting on the floor, and I got stuck sitting on the (really f*ing hard) stairs at the emergency exit along with two other people, right under the screen!! I had to basically look straight up to watch the movies, so it was difficult to see the subtitles, which is one of the reasons I went--more translation exercises!  I'll get it right next time...oh yes, there will be a next time. Even my shitty seat (or my sticky contacts or my sweaty red dress) couldn't take away from the awesomeness of the night. And they even had pretty decent coffee and croissants on the way out!

I'm going on about 3 hours sleep in the last 48...Friday I had too much on my mind (story for another, later post) and last night, obviously, I was hangin' with TB. But I dragged myself to the hangover hash run this afternoon (it was raining! so perfect for running through more Parisian streets near la Seine!) and now, after a load of laundry, I'm home and about to crash. I haven't pulled an all-nighter in quite some time, but at least it was for fun purposes and not for lame-o studying! (heh heh...just kiddin', kids, stay in school.)
